2013年12月16日 星期一

PSA Assignment - Littering

PSA Assignment - Littering

  • Group members:
    Molly Huang
    Sally Shiu
    Amy Hu
    Jill Chou

    PSA print-ad


    STUDY 1:

              Visual: Movie poster style
              Headline: Litter makes the earth Bitter
              Subhead: Green the earth 
              Body Copy: N/A
              Slogan/Tagline: Stop littering!!
              Logo: Tidy Lady
              Contact Information:N/A


    STUDY 2:

              Visual: Show much piles of litter on the street
              Headline: Litter makes the earth Bitter
              Subhead: Green the earth
              Body Copy: N/A
              Slogan/Tagline: Stop littering!!
              Logo: Tidy Lady
              Contact Information: N/A

    PSA AD:



    This time in this PSA project, our group chose the topic: littering. We tried to use rhyme in our headline, make it more easy to remember. So our headline is: LITTER MAKES THE EARTH BITTER. I like our headline very much!

    I am the one who throw the trash on the scooter. To be honest, it was quite difficult to ride the scooter and throw the trash at the same time!!! But I tried many times, and finally I made it! LOL. Besides being the model in the video, I am also in charge of the voice record. My job is easy and not easy. For the easy part, I just need to say the script and record my voice, but my voice speed has to match with video and that is the uneasy part. For this PSA project, I record my voice for several times to let Jill choose the perfect one. Thanks for our members, without them, we couldn't make this project! I am really happy to see our work be done so perfectly!

